Mary Girishaa Westley
I was in my early 40’s when I first realised that there was more to life than just ‘doing’ it. An unsustainable, busy lifestyle plus a whole lot of unhelpful beliefs about myself and life took me to the edge and led me first to meditation, then Ayurveda and finally yoga. Over 20 years later these two Wise Women have redesigned me and my life in a way I could never have imagined. Moving from a background is in Human Resource Management working in major teaching hospitals and community services I have completed formal qualifications in both Ayurveda and Yoga studying with a variety of wonderful teachers in Australia, India, Thailand and America. I began Newcastle's first Ayurvedic practitioner in 2007 and moved to Mangrove Yoga Ashram in 2015 to complete my yoga training. Along the way I have transitioned through a lot of what life has to offer as a woman: a mother of 3 and grandmother to 6; the ending of a long-term marriage; years working full-time while balancing study and family; pre & post menopause; caring for elderly parents; and path changes that saw my career and nearly everything else in my life change…not once but twice! One of the guiding principles of my first Ayurvedic teacher was integrity, “to be able to pass on this knowledge you must live it”. So whatever I am teaching and sharing, I live. In doing so I fully appreciate what is involved in adopting a healthier, more fulfilling way of living, while navigating life in today’s world. I love to share what I have learned about Ayurveda and Yoga, not just through my studies but on my own life journey, which has been by far my greatest teacher. My dharma or calling is to inspire and empower you to create the life that has meaning and brings happiness to you. I continue to do that offering retreats, workshops and private consultations and treatments. |