About Ayurveda and Yoga
Ayurveda and Yoga are known as sister sciences and one very simple way of describing their relationship is that Ayurveda supports our physical well-being on the spiritual path, while Yoga guides our spiritual direction.
Together these ancient, sciences address the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the individual by re-connecting us with our own inner wisdom, providing the tools to tune in to the workings of body and mind and, through this process, nurture the spirit. Aware WellBeing is about consciously using the wisdom offered in these sciences to help us navigate the shifts and changes we encounter in life and to tap into, and harness our own inner wisdom.
Together these ancient, sciences address the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the individual by re-connecting us with our own inner wisdom, providing the tools to tune in to the workings of body and mind and, through this process, nurture the spirit. Aware WellBeing is about consciously using the wisdom offered in these sciences to help us navigate the shifts and changes we encounter in life and to tap into, and harness our own inner wisdom.
About Ayurveda
Practising Ayurveda is simply observing nature’s laws and rhythms in one's daily life. We are each a unique manifestation of nature, and nature works in accordance with certain laws and rhythms. As a part of nature, when our diet and lifestyle is in harmony with those laws and rhythms we feel well, and when it isn’t . . . we don’t. Originating as the traditional philosophy and science of living in India, the knowledge of Ayurveda has been compiled over thousands of years. The understandings were perceived (rather than conceived) by ancient holy men known as rishis, through their observation of nature and deep meditative practices. The word 'perceive' is important because to perceive something means to become aware directly through the senses and to achieve an understanding. Whereas, to 'conceive' means to form or develop in the mind, to be of the opinion of, or to form or hold an idea. This distinction goes to the very heart of the Ayurvedic understanding of our relationship with nature. How does Ayurveda work? Introducing Ayurveda into our life often feels like coming home, because as part of nature we are simply returning to our natural way of being. It feels right because it is nature’s laws and rhythms in practice. A common response from many people when introduced to the principles and practices is: "this makes so much sense, why didn’t I know this already!" The truth is that at one level we do know it, that’s why it makes sense. On another level, we have became disconnected from ourselves and our relationship with nature. The basic principles and simple dietary and lifestyle practices of Ayurveda help us to pause, reflect and reconnect to that level of ourselves that knows intuitively what supports our health and wellbeing, and what doesn’t. Through the wisdom of this ancient tradition and its practices we remember how to care for, strengthen and heal our body, mind and spirit. |
About Yoga
Yoga is a way of life and an ancient spiritual science Have you noticed that the longer you live, the more you realize that your awareness is the only thing over which you honestly have any control? A yogic lifestyle begins with awareness, ends with awareness and, in between, is awareness. Which is why we think it’s vital to come to grips with it. Yoga looks like a pretty good way to stretch and strengthen the body. How then can this physical practice claim to have its roots firmly planted in an ancient spiritual science? Happily, Yoga is a process that starts exactly where you’re at. You don’t need a mat. You already have everything you need. Yoga only provides the tools to focus that awareness like a magnifying glass. Where you go from there . . . who knows? As the strength of your focus builds with practice, your ability to turn that focus inwards also builds. As you move through the Yoga postures, awareness rests first on the body. In time it expands to body and breath. Then body, breath and mind together. And so it continues, each layer revealing its unique wisdom or spirit. Beautiful. To sum up: Yoga is 'Body Breath Attention Intention' in equal measure, at all times, and achieved through continuous, uninterrupted practice. |